1st Fair


Hart got a half day last Friday at work, so we went to the Fair! Last year, we treated it as a quick lunch date together, because we just had a baby and I needed to get out and be normal. This year, we decided to just go during the lunch hours, too, because you get in for free from 12 - 2. It was the perfect time between naps and really the perfect amount of time for a baby to handle. We figured that we only have a couple more years, before we will be riding rides again anyways!

This year, however, we HAD to introduce Micaiah to his first Fair experience, complete with French Fries and Extra Long Corn Dogs. Oh and let's not forget his first.... Hog Race. Yep, that's right! Go, piggy, go!
I know...not so sure about all this hog racin', right buddy? Maybe he is really thinking that his mom is so weird that she thinks this would be fun.
Oh yeah, bettin' on Piggy Numero Uno!
Once he saw those piggies the pointing didn't stop! Time for the race!
And we won! Yippeee!
Then, we went over to the Cattle Arena, so Cai could see the Cows and then Hart took Cai to the Petting Zoo. I had had my share of animals since we had been to the zoo literally 3 times already that week.
It was a pretty fun family outing! And does it make me extremely old that I am actually contemplating submitting some handsewn craft to the fair next year? We walked through the building with all the handmade items and I kept going...Oooo I could make that.... Hart...do you see any baby shoes...I bet those would win, if I made them... I know, right? I've lost my mind!

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