Written 2/4/10:
Right now, I am 7 weeks and 1 day, and our first 8 week doctor appointment is in 6 days! We are waiting until after the appointment to tell everyone besides close family and friends, however, if you already know, then I am not surprised, because I haven't exactly been able to keep it a secret! First, we told our entire family, then my close girl friends, then I told my small group girls Bible study (so they could be praying, of course!), then, I told my boss, then a friend from work who is also pregnant, then another co-worker, and another.... so, I haven't been very good at secret keeping! We thought it would be wise to wait until our 8 week appointment, when they do the ultrasound and just see that everything was going well, before we let the rest of the world know!
Written 2/10/10:Today we had our 8 week appointment! It was so exciting! Hart and I watched with amazement as we saw our little tiny, bean-shaped baby take form on the t.v. screen!!! It was incredible and so heart-warming to know that our little one is down there, growing, and doing well! We could see the little heart beating so fast, about 156 bpm! Then, to our surprise, we got to listen to its heart beat! I think my heart sped up twice as fast! I was not expecting to get to hear the baby until the next appointment, so it was really neat! They measured the baby and it is about 7 weeks, 4 days right now, with an expected arrival by September 22nd, 2010!
Baby's 1st Ultrasound Photo
Please keep us in your prayers as we seek the Lord during this pregnancy. Please pray for a healthy pregnancy without complications, especially with the health issues I have had in the past, and for a healthy beautiful baby that will love Jesus.
We'll be praying for you! Thanks for stopping by last night!
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