"Don't mess with me while I "fast crawl!"
I started on refinished a sewing desk that my MIL found on the side of the road! Hart got home and helped me do the rest. You can read all about that transformation over here. It was sewing related, so I put it on the other blog.
We didn't end up going to church on Sunday, because we still weren't sure if Cai was completely healed, even though he is acting FINE! So, we ended up having breakfast out at Sonic and got Starbucks! It was a nice break that Hart didn't have music to do on Sunday morning! Later in the day, our Community Group Bible Study met out at the Lake Murray Dam Beach to grill out and enjoy the beauty of the day. We headed out, because Cai seemed well and enjoyed this scene...
Sweet friend, Kristin, holding Cai for me. He just wanted Mama.
And we went swimming...
Carla's husband and Charlie walking down to the water
That's our group out there in la agua.
We got home, washed up, and got the baby in bed. I wandered outside to our hammock and spent some time praying while gazing at the stars. This was my view from the hammock of our homey porch.
Do you know what I realized while laying in our hammock, in the dark, looking at the sky, listening to the wind blow, and looking at our home God has so richly given? We are truly, abundantly blessed by God, our Father, in Heaven. I've been struggling with wanting MORE, MORE, MORE lately always. NICER, NICER, NICER. I've lacked contentment with the beauty of what God has given already and it's about time that I start being gracious for the peaceful place the Lord has so richly handed to us.
I'm thankful for our healthy bodies, for our sweet little family, for the home that is always too messy, and never picture perfect. This one-life is here and I want to spend it satisfied in Christ, not yearning for stuff that will never fulfill. God is all and is in all and "in him we live, and move, and have our being." (Acts 17:28)
How was your weekend!?
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