Multitude Monday


If you struggle with contentment in the way that I do, then let me challenge you to start making a list of your blessings. This has been an eye-opening experience for me. Everyday I am faced with whether or not to be truly thankful for the things God has already given; good or bad. I was around a lovely group of ladies this past weekend that seem to just have EVERYTHING by the looks of them. When asking how things were going in their lives, I got the typical, "Oh, just wonderful!" type responses. I even caught myself answering in those same ways. I came home to a messy house and a fussy baby and I had to just catch myself over and over not to compare what God has given me to what others have.

Often times I think back to when I went to Nicaragua. Driving down the street, you pass shack after shack after shack where often 6 or 7 people live. I was sitting on my screened in porch looking at the beauty of everything around me, waiting for the rain to fall, and I realized that my porch is about 10 times nicer than many people in our world's entire home. My heart just swelled with thanks. As the rain fell, I could just feel it washing the earth, washing away filth, renewing, restoring, giving more. And I was thankful.

Our young family that received the blessing of a baby "before the world says we're ready". Our young family that is making the sacrifice financially to have a mama at home. Our young family that got slammed with a huge hospital bill this month from only receiving 3 bags of salt water at an ER. Our young family that could be so discontent, isn't.We struggle with it, but who doesn't, if you are honest.

We have Jesus. The giver of Living Water. The giver of the fullest life. The giver of truth and riches beyond compare. He is the ONLY one that can fill that eternal void so deep and wide it swallows you whole. Jesus is IT! All else fails.

Hart and I took apart our office. We sorted through so much STUFF trying to get rid  of things we no longer need to have a garage sale. At times we were so overwhelmed. We have so. much. stuff! Too blessed. Is that possible? We have so much. It's just one of those things where you have to check your heart.

This list is helping me to do that.

8. a long phone call with a best friend
9. the time to make a cow onsie
10. a car that has good air conditioning
11. a brick house that protects us from the rain
12. waiting for the rain to fall; listening to it when it does
13. a pretty large hospital bill that reminds us it is God in control of our finances

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