Happy 10 Months Micaiah! Here's a look at our 10 Months Fievel Photo shoot!
We had a tad bit of a Fievel biting obsession this go around! If you are wondering why Fievel...well, I realize he isn't cool anymore, but my brothers and I had this stuffed Fievel as kids and for some reason he made it through, and being the largest stuffed animal we own, we decided to use it to measure visible growth of our son!We are having the MOST fun at 10 months! With 5 new teeth and one still waiting to pop through, crawling all over the place, trying new REAL foods, and laughing a ton, we are having a great entrance to our 10th month of life! 9 months started great, but the high of 8 months ended about halfway through the month, where we started a pretty fussy rest of the month. Mostly due to teething a whole bunch of teeth at once, BUT I'd rather us just get it over with while we can!
- MOBILITY: Our biggest change is that we are VERY mobile! Micaiah crawls with one knee on the floor and the other foot flat on the floor. It's like a little crab crawl or something! I think this is mostly due to the fact that we have few carpeted areas in our home. He needs one foot flat to keep from sliding.
- CURIOUS: Cai wants to know what is behind every cabinet door, underneath things, behind things.
- Current fascinations include: opening and closing doors and pulling open drawers, especially the refrigerator...if I open the fridge, it doesn't matter where he is in the kitchen he books it over to see what is inside.
- The door stop behind the doors make this awesome "BOING!" sound. He thinks it's delightful.
- The vacuum cleaner: When I turn this on, he just gets super excited and wants to see what is going on with it.
- FOOD: Slowly, but surely Micaiah is getting the hang of real food. He is liking picking things up and feeding himself and thinks it is hilarious to bite the spoon if I do spoon feed him. He had NO problem eating his first kid's meal at Chick-fil-a, and is loving summer's fresh peaches and watermelon...
- Schedule:
- We are mostly on a 4 hour schedule, but at times I feed him an extra feeding still. Most days look like this:
9:30 am - nap
11:30 am - sippy of 8 oz formula
12:00 pm - lunch
(occasional nursing before nap, mostly not, but sometimes, yes)
1:30/2 nap
4:00 nurse & a snack
5:30 pm dinner
6:30 pm nurse for bed
7 pm bed
- Some fun things we do on a regular basis:
- Go to the gym (nursery)
- Go to Pet Smart to look at fish (and buy dog food) and birds... it's like a free ZOO!
- Go swimming in MiMi's pool
- Go to church to play with my friends in the nursery (we particularly like it when mommy lets me stay in the service during the worship music! Daddy plays awesomely!)
- Go for walks (even though it is hot)
- We are in Size 4 diapers, 12 - 18 month clothing and as a 10 month present, Grandmama bought Micaiah some shoes...
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