Weekend Recap/Goals


So you know I had a busy week, well, this weekend wasn't much different! Friday night, I went on a retreat to Gilbert, my little rural home town! Haha! No, seriously, the Children's ministry coordinators (which I am one of) went to this cute little lake house, in Gilbert, to spend the night and plan/discuss ideas for the upcoming year at our church! We had a great time together because we are all friends and three of four of us are pregnant, so our conversations quickly turned to blabbing about pregnancy. I'm thankful that all of the other girls already have little boys, so they are a wealth of knowledge! It was just funny that the location was so close to where my mom lives.

My mom came to pick me up since she lives like 3 miles away literally, and then we went to a baby shower for a friend all the way in Northeast Columbia, seriously, a world away from Gilbert! I finally made it home to my sweet husband and then we just relaxed around the house the rest of the afternoon and evening. I sewed together that little jean skirt from my last post, and Hart worked on creating a website for my new little sewing hobby. More to come on that later!

We had church this morning, which was great! Our church is growing, and growing, and today that was evident! Praise Jesus about that! I'm starting to meet "new" people only to find out that they have been coming the last couple months...

Hart and I came home, ate a good lunch, then watched a movie, went swimming at his parents, and now I'm home blogging... I think I got lost in writing this post, because I was wanting to really tell you about my goals for this week. Haha! Sorry about that!

After such a busy week, I've decided that I'm actually quite thankful for being able to stay home and not have to go to a regular job!

So my goals for this week are:
1) To spend time cleaning up our house/getting things back to normal
2) Lots of sewing
-Work on sewing my inventory for my etsy store...coming August 1st! I have one client that I'm working on something for already! yay!
-Work on the nursery: I've got to recover some glider cushions/make a valance and crib skirt.
3)Help my mom with dance studio registration
4)Meet with my Father-in-law to learn how to use Quicken, so that I can help out my mom with the books when needed.
5)Organize my coupons/go to the grocery store

I think that's enough! If I can get that done, then we are doing well! This sounds like it will become busy enough, but I'm glad that most of it can be done from home, so I shouldn't get so worn out and tired from running around in the heat like this past week. Also, I really enjoy most of what is going on right now in my life, and the things that God is allowing me to do, like helping my mom with the studio, and sewing! I really love getting to create things. I also love getting to prepare for our baby!

I'll try to keep you posted this week about how this week goes, as far as meeting goals go!

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to use the name we talked about for etsy, or did you pick out a different one? :-) Super excited about your store!


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