Menu Plan 3/29 - 4/2


I am proud to announce that Hart and I actually developed a genuine meal plan this week!! However, I didn't get to posting it online! Haha! So far we are following this plan and it is great to have! So for those of you that do not care what we eat this week.... just ignore! I like looking at other people's though because I like to get ideas!

Monday: We had Baked Ziti w/salad (I had the leftovers for lunch today!)

Tuesday: BBQ Meatballs, roasted red potatoes, and fresh steamed broccoli (In the oven, as I write!)

Wednesday: Veggie Omelets (bell peppers, onion, and mushrooms) w/Meredith's Yummy Grits (I'm going to have to post her recipe for you guys that haven't ever tried them! All I can say, is, um, yummy!?)

Thursday: Fried Pork Chops w/sauteed veggies: squash, zucchini, mushrooms, and onions (I've been craving friend pork chops...)

Friday: Dinner out with our Community Group

Saturday: My spring break starts on Good Friday! YAY!! I'm off all day and I am going to go to the grocery store, so I do not know what we will eat on the weekend, but I always feel like weekends are easier because I have time to figure it out!

Sunday: Easter Lunch after church @my mom's (Mom, do I need to bring something to this?)

I feel like I am getting better, as long as I put in the effort! Hopefully, I will have enough of these blogged that I can refer to them when I am out of ideas... that is the PLAN!

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