Hart's NEW Beginnings!


Hart ended his first REAL full-time job today working at our church! It was kind of a "weird" day for him as he realized that he would not be returning any more to the same place he worked for about 2 1/2 years, but at the same time he is so EXCITED to see what God has in store! We both did a little happy dance when we saw each other at fiveish! He starts his new job tomorrow at 9 a.m. with the MATHER company, real estate. As I have been praying for him, I am praying for flexibility on his part as he learns this trade. He wanted some variety in his career and I cannot imagine one day being like another working on a home site! Whooo! I cannot wait to see how God works this out for HIS glory!

Teaching today went really well! I was not as tired today and I really felt your prayers! I keep just feeling everyday that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. NO doubt about it! I felt more patient with my students today and pray tomorrow will get even better! It really is fun teaching them and seeing each one learn in a different way. It is like...RELIEF!!... when they finally "get it." Okay! Goodnight!

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