On Our Way - Foster Care Update


I remember when that positive sign showed up on that very first pregnancy test. I had no idea how I was going to be a mother. I was so NOT ready, so unprepared, out of my element. It was WAY earlier than I had ever thought it would happen. God was giving us a blessing that I didn't realize until later.

Even moments before our first son Cai arrived, I remember moving forward, but yet not sure what truly was about to happen. My mind was blown when they laid that squishy faced little boy on my chest for the first time.
Our lives changed forever, and he has been a treasure in our lives.

I feel exactly the same as when I first found out I was pregnant, but this time I've been carrying a Beloved in my heart for months that has turned into a year and then some more months, and I feel like my heart is about to burst with excitement and fear and worries. 

I'm ready to meet this child.

Usually when I say we are venturing into foster care, people sort of stare at us like we are crazy or say we must be special people. And I suppose we are crazy...

I feel so NOT ready, so unprepared, out of my element. And yet, I feel like it's in these moments that God has me press into Him.

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

God has the perfect plan!
Our next step is on June 5th, we will meet with the Foster Care Worker. She will come to our home and check our sleeping arrangements, that our home is clean and safe, check our fire escape plan (which is still on the fridge from our Adoption check), and check our fire extinguisher (that now needs to be re-tagged, because it's been exactly 1 year since we had to get it ready for our Adoption Homestudy)! 

I'm thankful that we have a little bit of time, before she arrives, because our car port currently is a mess and we would probably be deemed "unsafe by all the paint hazards currently at child level". We have been refinishing a table that I found on the side of the road for my brother, (SCORE!!!) as a wedding gift! We are almost done! I need my car port back! And they really need a table! (HA!)
We need to get Abe his vaccinations updated, too! Besides that, I've got spring plants ready to be potted in the yard!

Life is very busy, but after months and months of waiting on the Lord to answer some specific family prayers, we feel like we are finally starting to see life-things falling into a beautifully weaved masterpiece! Keep praying for us! We cherish your prayers! 

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