First Stroller Accident


I have to blog about this, so that I can process what actually just happened.

My friend dropped her child off this morning like usual this week. E wasn't too happy about being left behind, but we got distracted by eating some applesauce and playing. Hart was home a little longer and she was very unsure about what to do about that since he seemed like a "stranger." She had several melt downs to which my ear drum has not quite recovered. Let's just say that playing "nice" like yesterday wasn't happening for either child. Unable to leave them to play together, I just sat on the floor and we practiced sharing which led to some more melt downs, etc. Hart suggested that we all take a walk to calm down and distract them as he walked out the door. Perfect! It would be a little bit of a challenge considering I don't have a double stroller, but I put E in the baby carrier on the front and pushed Cai in the stroller. E weighs a couple lbs less. I tied Abe to the stroller and had the leash in my hand. Abe normally walks great right alongside the stroller, since we walk almost every day.

That's when everything happened so quickly. We were one street over from our house, when Abe yanked us over. Since he was tied to the stroller, he pulled it over kind of sideways. I grabbed him, pulled the stroller back up, when he yanked away even harder trying to smell something! Cai flipped forward and smacked his head on the concrete and got an immediate bruise. Thankfully, a man came running over from down the street. He asked me what he could do. I said, "Take us home!" I don't even know this man, but all I knew was that I needed to get home FAST and get some ice on my baby's head. Home seemed really far away at that point. He grabbed Abe and put the stroller in the back. Since he was a man, E was terrified. She screamed in the truck and Micaiah screamed, too. Poor guy. I'm thinking to myself in this moment. Please don't be a serial killer, especially since I have someone else's child with me right now. and What is Doreen going to think that I let her baby ride with some strange man? Victor, the neighbor, was VERY kind and helped me get Abe out of the truck and the stroller and the two kids back up the driveway.

By this point, it is 10 am. How's your morning going?

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