Stroller Ride Gone Bad


Thinking I would be a good Mommy, I decided to take Micaiah outside for a stroller ride. Sure, it was a little chilly, but I bundled him up, put a blanket around him. Sure, he started crying getting into the stroller, but didn't that mean that he just didn't like being strapped in? We needed fresh air, didn't we?

We went around this loop around our neighborhood. Maybe it was a little too far as I got about 1/3 of the way around, and Micaiah started to fuss a little. Do I turn around or go on? I think we can make it. He will be alright. We hardly ever do this. He needs to see the sunshine. I kept trying to tuck the blanket around him. He seemed to enjoy looking around. Halfway through, he started to CRY. I kept on going, thinking, maybe he will stop. The CRY turned into a SCREAM. The SCREAM lasted to about 3/4 of the way through.

You know, don't you always see those mother's that have it all together, pushing the stroller in their cute little work out clothes with the happiest baby on the block? You don't see the mother's who are pushing the SCREAMING baby that is kicking his feet and getting more and more agitated the faster you go, but you desperately need your house to be like one house away instead of 15!

The last stretch is basically uphill. I broke out into a full out RUN, pushing the stroller, dragging Abe along. Micaiah started screaming LOUDER. We jolted up the driveway; dashed into the house. I felt like I was going to throw up. I fell into the rocking chair and Micaiah passed out in my arms.

Don't you just love it when you make those bad judgement calls as a mama? You ask yourself WHAT, just WHAT, was I thinking?! It is WINTER. Stroller rides are for SPRING time! Stupid, Mama!

To make this stroller ride worse.... Micaiah lost his new old navy socks along the way. The ones that are supposed to stay on always. I would go look for them, but it is raining today, and there was no way we would go back outside, yesterday. And, if that's not enough craziness, my back was completely shot last night. I literally was laid out on a heating pad. Thank you, hubby, for rubbing my back, twice. I love you.

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